Swati Giri - A Home For Expats
Shopping in Berlin

Berlin offers one of the greatest shopping experiences in the world with a diverse range from Luxury to Flea markets in terms of shopping escapades. Though online shopping is a convenience almost everywhere now, but sometimes finding an interesting piece at a flea bargain is a better deal than coupons! Here is a consolidation of the most popular destinations offering ...

hospitals and clinics in berlin

If you’re not comfortable with German so much to explain, you can simply switch to practitioners who could communicate in your language. Doctena is a website which lets you find doctors of any specialty based on the language you prefer and book an appointment! There are other websites too such as Docinsider, which shares information about local doctors and medical ...

It is challenging enough to settle into a new lifestyle in a new country and to do so without cultural appropriation might sound next level. The one thing we’d be doing much more frequently after moving to Germany would be dining out with friends, family, colleagues, or even by oneself. Not just because it is easier on some days, but ...

Ludwig Wittgenstein famously stated - “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Now, you’ve decided to expand your world beyond the boundaries of your country to Germany, does that mean your language limit has to be expanded by learning German? This question is always the first point of apprehension in the plan to migrate - Do ...

Earnings in Germany: The Earnings and Salary Structure in Germany highly depends on the country’s Employment Law, which defines many policies regarding the payroll. Most of the regulations regarding payment of salaries and wages, are governed by Germany’s Civil Code, its Industrial Code, and other collective agreements. Gross and Net Salary Structure in Germany: The gross salary as deemed in your pay structure ...

Work in Germany

Germany is currently competing with other well-known expat destinations, such as Canada and New Zealand, to attract the best of skills. Therefore, is working particularly hard at competing with these countries to be seen as an attractive place to live and work by providing the flexibility of short working hours, plentiful vacation, and public holidays. The Skilled Immigration Act, which ...

German legal system

A common but less addressed issue for the expatriates is the coming to terms with the differences in the legal systems between their mother country and the German legal system. It is always important to familiarise yourself with the regulatory arrangement of the country you reside in. It is always useful to understand the type of contracts you might enter ...

healthcare system in Germany

The healthcare system in Germany is excellent, but the familiarity with the substructure is one of the most important checkboxes you need to tick in your relocation checklists before planning that move. This helpful guide will cover the basic information you need about the healthcare system in Germany. Overview of the healthcare system in GermanyHealth insurance in GermanyHealthcare costs in ...

cost of living in germany

Cost of Living Calculator With one of the most highly developed social market economy, the actual cost of living in Germany is rather comfortable and settling for expats in comparison to its European brethren. As a matter of fact, the cost of living in Germany is almost as laid back as 10% in comparison to UK, France, Norway or Switzerland - ...